Frequently Asked Questions

What is required to place an order?
  • Must be 21 Years of Age
  • Provide a Photo ID and Selfie via text for Verification
Do you offer Pick Up Service or Delivery Only?

We can provide a pick up location for a $10 fee

Do you accept electronic payments?

Currently the only electronic payment method we accept is via Cash App.

Does Kush Era sell Marijuana?

Absolutely not! Kush Era doesn’t engage in the sale of marijuana. Instead, under the Initiative 71 Law, we offer marijuana as a gift to customers aged 21 and above with valid state-issued IDs.

Do I need to medical marijuana card?

No, we don’t sell, but rather gift THC in compliance with Initiative 71. We are not a traditional dispensary. To receive THC items, all you need is a valid state ID verifying you are 21 years or older.

Do you accept returns?

For the well-being and safety of our team and the community, we do not accept returns on flowers or any other gifted or purchased items.

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(833) 416-4856

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Washington DC Metro Area


9am – 10pm Everyday

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